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BOIRON : 2014 results
information fournie par Actusnews 18/03/2015 à 18:40

The Board of Directors of BOIRON, at its meeting chaired by Thierry Boiron, made up the statutory and consolidated financial statements of the financial year ended on December 31, 2014. It was decided to call a Combined Shareholders Meeting on May 21, 2015 at the company's headquarters in Messimy.

Audit of the statutory and consolidated financial statements have been performed and the audit reports concerning their certification are currently in the process of being issued.


in thousands of euros 2013 2014 Variation
Sales 617,731 609,748 -1.3%
Operating income 134,306 144,177 +7.3%
Net Income - Group share 82,396 89,049 +8.1%
Cash Flow 164,310 158,518 -3.5%
Net investments 24,236 22,075 -8.9%
Net cash position 159,775 156,173 -2.3%
  • At nearly identical sales, 2014 profitability improved.
  • The Board of Directors will propose to the Combined Shareholders Meeting the distribution of a dividend of € 1.5 per share. The payment of the dividend will be June 5, 2015.
  • On February 24, 2015, the Los Angeles California Court of Appeal's (USA) provided their final approval of a legal settlement signed on March 6, 2012 intended to put an end to the class action lawsuit currently in process.
  • BOIRON will continue its involvement in the development of homeopathy with confidence and ambition. Taking into account the geopolitical risks, the BOIRON group remains cautious in its outlook for 2015.

Our next update:
April 30, 2015, at market close, publication of quarterly sales and financial information as of March 31, 2015.
Person responsible for financial information: Christian Boiron
Contact for financial information: Véronique Bouscayrol
Investor relations: +33 (0) - E-mail:
ISIN Code: FR0000061129 (BOI) - Bloomberg: BOI FP - Reuters: BOIR.PA
The group's financial information is online at :

Information réglementée
Communiqués au titre de l'obligation d'information permanente :
- Communiqué sur comptes, résultats, chiffres d'affaires
Full and original press release in PDF:

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