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DELFINGEN INDUSTRY : Q1 2024 revenue
information fournie par Actusnews 13/05/2024 à 18:00


Anteuil, 13 May 2024

Q1 2024 revenue

Sales down after record sales on 1st quarter 2023

Growth momentum resumed in April

DELFINGEN INDUSTRY (DELFINGEN), a global automotive equipment manufacturer and world leader in wiring protection solutions for the mobility and industrial markets, is reporting its revenue for Q1 2024.

in € millions
Q1 2023 Q1 2024 Change Change
organic [1]
Mobility 99.6 94.1 -5.5% -5.8%
Industry 16.9 19.5 +15.5% -3.2%
Total revenue 116.5 113.6 -2.5% -5.4%

DELFINGEN posted revenue of €113.6m in Q1 2024, down 5.4%. The result excludes a scope effect of +3.8% related to the acquisitions made in early April 2023 of REIKU GmbH in Germany and AHN Chem Co. Ltd in South Korea and also excludes a negative exchange rate effect €/$ of -0.9% at end-March 2024.

The decline in revenue should assessed against an unfavourable basis of comparison, as the Group had record sales, up 14%, in Q1 2023.

Sales from the Mobility market amounted to €94.1m, down 5.5% (-5.8% at constant scope and exchange rates). After a slowdown in activity in November and December 2023 stemming from the UAW [2] strike, sales in January and February were strong. Revenue remained solid in March, at levels close to the previous two months, but was down relative to March 2023, when the Group recorded an exceptional level of sales in Marh. The Textile business posted revenue of €18.8m (-4%).

Sales from the Industry market totalled €19.5m, up 15.5%, fuelled by the acquisition of REIKU. At constant scope and exchange rates, revenue fell 3.2%.

Analysis of consolidated revenue by geographical area

in € millions
Q1 2023 Q1 2024 Change Change
organic [3]
Europe - Africa 55.4 56.0 +1.0% -4.8%
North & South America 47.4 43.6 -8.1% -7.0%
Asia 13.7 14.1 +2.6% -2.2%
Total revenue 116.5 113.6 -2.5% -5.4%

Growth momentum resumed in April

The Group stresses that revenue in April once again showed substantial growth. Advances were made in all regions and across most of the Group's activities.

DELFINGEN intends to reinforce its commercial positions in mobility and at the same time continue to diversify in industrial applications.

After generating powerful growth having served to triple revenue over the past few years, DELFINGEN will continue to assert its leadership while aiming to boost operational performance and reduce debt through positive net cash flow and the strict management of investments.

Next publication:

July 29 th 2024: H1 2024 revenue (after market close)

A propos de DELFINGEN ( )

DELFINGEN est un équipementier automobile, leader mondial dans les solutions de protection des réseaux embarqués et les tubes pour transfert de fluides, sur les marchés de la mobilité et de l'industrie.

Entreprise familiale, avec plus de 70 ans d'histoire, le Groupe compte 4 000 collaborateurs et rayonne à travers le monde, au plus près de ses clients, fort de ses 41 implantations dans 22 pays sur 4 continents : Amériques, Europe, Afrique et Asie.

DELFINGEN s'inscrit au cœur des nouveaux enjeux de la mobilité d'aujourd'hui et de demain : électrification, connectivité, conduite autonome, sécurité et exigences environnementales.

DELFINGEN est coté sur le marché Euronext Roth Paris (FR0000054132 - ALDEL) et est membre de l'association MiddleNext.

Christophe CLERC
Vice-Président Exécutif - Finances
T. +33 (0)1 81 70 37 00
Relations investisseurs
Benjamin LEHARI
T. +33 (0) 1 56 88 11 25
Relations Presse
Isabelle DRAY
T. +33 (0)1 56 88 11 29


DELFINGEN is a global auto parts manufacturer, world leader in cable protection solutions for the mobility and industry markets.

A family-owned company dating back more than 70 years, the Group has 4,200 employees and a global presence that ensures proximity to its customers, with 41 offices in 21 countries on four continents: North & South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

DELFINGEN is at the heart of the new challenges of mobility: electrification, connectivity, autonomous driving, safety and environmental standards.

DELFINGEN is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (FR0000054132 - ALDEL) and is a member of the MiddleNext association.

Christophe CLERC
Executive Vice President - Finance
T. +33 (0)3 81 90 73 00
Investor Relations
Benjamin LEHARI
T. +33 (0) 1 56 88 11 25
Press Relations
Isabelle DRAY
T. +33 (0)1 56 88 11 29

“Safe Harbor” statement

Although DELFINGEN's Management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at the time of publication of this document, investors are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various elements, risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of DELFINGEN, that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in or projected by the forward-looking statements.

[1] At constant scope and exchange rates

[2] The United Auto Workers (UAW), is one of the most important labor union that represents workers in the United States

[3] At constant scope and exchange rates

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